Our Purpose at HRCLex
We believe that a true Christ follower is one that actively seeks to achieve these four things: to grow in Christ, to connect with others, and to serve with purpose.
Grow. Connect. Serve.
As staff at High Rock Church of Lexington, we strive to live our purpose every day, day in and day out, in order to show our families and our church what we believe a Christ follower should look like.
Growing in Christ is living each day seeking Him. Coming to Weekend Services is the first step. Digging into the word and prayer, and engaging with worship will help to grow your faith and deepen your relationship with God.
Connecting with others is the next step. At High Rock, we believe that faith is best when shared with others. Connecting means reaching out into community with other believers who will encourage you and lift you up, as well as keep you accountable.
We do this through our Connect Groups, in which you’ll find your community.
Serving with purpose is using your talents to serve others, whether it’s inside or outside the church. We’re called to serve the world so that everyone will know the love of Christ. So we take every opportunity to do just that. And it’s taylored just for you. Do you enjoy talking with people and getting to know them? You would be perfect for our First Impressions team. Enjoy technology and making things happen on stage? Our Worship Team and Production team are always welcoming new people.
Got questions?
Have a question about what we believe at High Rock? Get in touch with a pastor directly by clicking the button below.